Extra-Curricular Activities

The holistic development of each student is enhanced by participation in extra-curricular activities.

Seamount College has a long tradition of sporting excellence with many great achievements.

A strong sense of pride comes from donning the school jersey whether it is in:
Gaelic Football
Cross Country

Active School Week takes place each May opening up more sporting opportunities for students and bringing a great sense of fun to the school. Through sampling a range of sports, students are encouraged to find the sport that they are passionate about and hopefully can pursue. Students get to experience the activities available to them taking advantage of our local surroundings of the Burren and Galway Bay.

Sailing Kayaking
Caving Hill Walking
Yoga Pilates
Zumba Cycling
Tag Rugby  

An Activity for All
The Staff of the school encourage and support students in a wide range of activities, striving to ensure that there is
something for everyone and that no-one gets left behind.
Recent samples include:

Lunch-time board games An Gaisce President’s Awards
Meitheal Leadership Course John Paul 11 Awards
Mathematics Competitions Scifest
Young Scientist Competition Art Competitions
Debating / Díospóireacht Public Speaking Competitions
Home Economics Competitions
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