Student Council


The Student Council is a whole school student  representative body. It acts to promote student voice and student input into developing our school spirit and promoting the welfare of our school community. The Student Council facilitates students to develop their  leadership skills and qualities, through becoming actively involved in the affairs of the school. They  work in partnership with school management, staff and parents for the benefit of the school and its students.

Our Student Council is recognised as having an important role in:

●       Creating a positive, caring and inclusive  school atmosphere

●       Increasing student participation in our school community

●       Positively impacting  on issues such as discipline, bullying and staff-student relations

●       Developing students  communication and leadership skills, responsibility and accountability


The Student Council is organised and run by the senior student leadership team, the Student Representative Council and the liaison teachers. The election of new members to the Student Council is held in October each year, through a democratic election within each class. Two members from each class group are voted and elected onto the Student Council. There is a shared responsibility by both class representatives to ensure their class is represented at each meeting.


The Student Council meets at least once per month to discuss items that will enhance the student experience in Seamount College.


In the academic year 2022/23 the Student Council was involved in the following activities:

  • Communicating issues of concern to the liaison teachers who subsequently brought the issues to the Principal and/or Vice Principal
  • Liaising with management on current school rules related to uniform, piercings etc.
  • Promoting school spirit through the organisation of initiatives such as the Christmas door competition and the World Cup class competition
  • Organising  the annual Christmas Concert.
  • Working in partnership with the Parent’s Council to organise and promote the schools Cash for Clobber fundraiser

Student Representative Council 

Our Student Representative Council (SRC) is a group of 12 6th year students. Each student in this senior student leadership group is elected to the position by members of their year group and staff. As a formal senior student leadership group, they act as ambassadors for our school by demonstrating positive behaviours and attitudes.

Nominations and Elections

The SRC are elected in late May each year. Students nominate themselves by submitting a personal statement to the liaison teacher. Both staff and students vote for the candidates they believe would be a good representative for our school community and who have a good record of behaviour and attendance.

Role within the school

–       Ambassador for our School: The SRC, as a recognised formally elected team of student leaders are required to represent the school community positively by demonstrating respectful, caring behaviour.

–       Student Council: The SRC will facilitate the Student Council meetings and will take on the various positions required within this group to successfully organise and promote initiatives within the school.

–       1st year Mentor system: Each member of the SRC will be assigned to mentor a number of 1st year students to help make the transition from primary to post primary school  a little less daunting. Three members of the SRC team will be allocated to each 1st year group to help organise events to promote inclusion and help build connections between the 1st year students.

The roles of the SRC are not limited to those outlined above. The role is flexible to the needs of our school community.

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